The stresses of modern life symbolized by creepy monsters. Of course! And you can say the title to the tune of David Bowie's "
Modern Love." It makes it better, I promise.
'Modern Life' |
Some of the initial sketches. The big fat fish monster riding on the skinny guy is the focus and I did a bunch of thumbnails to figure out what was going on around them.
I just liked this creepy monster face. So creepy.
Here was the layout I went with initially.
I got over excited and jumped right in. Bad idea!! That layout just wasn't that great. And I was in denial until I was pretty far along. But I had to face the truth - the composition just wasn't working. Bummer.
'blerrgh' |
So I tossed it. Well, first I drew over it and worked out a new composition. Ah, better. Then I threw it out.
'ahhh' |
Almost used this dude in the back, but I went with the long flying bug. I stand by that, but this guy is pretty funny.
The final drawing, done in red Prismacolor and good ol' mechanical pencil on cold press watercolor paper. The red pencil has been removed via Photoshop witchcraft.
And here's an early stage in the coloring process. The yellow rectangle used to be much taller.
Are you guys digging these longer blog posts? I figured the
Tumblr is great for putting up images, and this blog can have more in depth, hopefully informative, posts. And occasionally feature David Bowie references. So there you go.
Cheers guys!